In the 1960s, the brothers Gianni, Mario and Sergio Ciceri (GMS) constructed Formula 500 race cars. 1965 started the only one Italian championship, Sergio Ciceri won the Formula Baby Junior.
1966 GMS built race cars with 850 ccm engines, the early Championship before the F-Junior and F3, this racecar were used in various Italian racing series and later in
German classic car races.
Unfortunately, there exist only a few information.
We have found one photo of a GMS 850 racecar in
the book by Renato Benusiglio, it seems to be N° 2.
"Big Ben ... e le corse" ( page 9 last picture )
In the report of the Auto Italiana 28/04/1966 N ° 17 the first Formula 850 was presented on the basis of the 500. There were some changes to the 500, the engine came from the Fiat 850 Coupe. K
The brothers Ciceri were very satisfied and announced to want to build two more vehicles.
Our N° 2 differs visually from the presented version, possibly changes were made over the years or the brothers Ciceri had to adapt the vehicles to the new regulations of the young 850 series.d
zu erm
the second monoposto eight and a half / circa 1993 GMS-Ciceri
GMS Ciceri race car approx. 1993
thank`s - mille grazie - muchas gracias - vielen Dank !!!